Hello, lovely readers!
Hope your Tuesday was great and Wednesday is even better.=)
As for me, I had a wonderful time readathoning (we made it a word, right?)! Read a lot more than on Monday and also participated in interesting challenge, hosted by River City Books, called Books You're Looking Forward To, where you had to list some books, you can't wait to read, no matter upcoming releases or shelf warmers.=)
HERE's my blog post, if you want to check my list (I chose 5 books, so it won't take a lot of your time=)).
To be a little faster this time, because I have big reading and TV show (I NEED TO WATCH THAT OUAT FINALE!!!) plans, as always, I'll skip my bla-bla-bla part for now. [Only for now, muahaha.]
CURRENTLY READING: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secret of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz. I want to read a huge chunk of it today, and also want to continue reading Tokyo on Foot by Florent Chavouet (I won't stop pushing you to read it, just so you know).
DAY 2:
PAGES READ: 260! Woo-hoo!
Despite the fact, that it was mostly manga, I'm happy as a kid.=)
TOTAL PAGE COUNT SO FAR: 405. (Yeah, baby!)
2 short stories: The Spectator and Al and Christine's World of Leather, both by Joanne Harris. Yes, I'm slowly making my way through her short story collection JIGS&REELS. Can't say I'm in love, but I'll keep reading.
1 manga volume: Yotsuba, volume 4 by Kiyohiko Azuma. [Thank you for 190 pages, man!] It's always happens to me.. I just find something on my ereader, that I forgot about, and the next second - I'm reading it and can't stop. Poor TBR..it's not your fault, it's just me.
TOTAL "STUFF FINISHED" COUNT so far: 1 book + 1 manga volume + 3 short stories. Not bad.
23 pages of The Door to Time by Pierdomenico Baccalarion (#1 in his Ulysses Moore series). Got bored..not in mood for your typical middle-grade. But it's really short, so maybe I'll read a little today (Day 3). Can't promise, though.
20 pages of Ari and Dante. Made a 30 minutes sprint yesterday, before mignight. It was fun.=)
That's it!
It was a really good reading day for me. I had A TON of laughs while reading Yotsuba. Won't lie, if I say that it's my favourite manga series now. This little girl (our MC) makes my day...=)
The Spectator was sad and gloomy, and I felt sorry for that old man. Poor, poor Leonard in weird new world. As for the second one, Al and Christine's World of Leather, it was a little better, but made me grumble, because Christine's husband is such a douche... Endings of both of them were kind of meh/unsatisfyng. In case with The Spectator it made me feel sad (really sad!) and in case of Al and Chris it was disappointing, I expected a little different actions from Christine. But, oh well. This can't be changed.

That's what happens to people, who are to kind to other people. I should've said something, but I didn't. Despite a headache that those 2 gave me. (-__-) *little rant*
But anyway, not including this "lovely" couple, it was a great time in park. By the way, my local park is little different from parks you're used to. It's more like "Into the Wild" kind of park (park refinement service -or whatever you call it- isn't working too hard here...). But I love it to bits! Especially on days like yesterday.. (I could live there, seriously. Wow, sounds weird... Anywho!)
You can see my sister here. Yes, that girl on bike among the trees.=) I rode a little myself, and it was awesome, but also a pain in the ass. Literally. I'm out of practice and ride wrong way.=D
GODZILLA!!! SOON! Excited! Brings back so many happy childhood memories. Ah, I loved watching old Japanese Godzilla movies!
(We have my fav cinema (called "Moscow"/"Moskva") in the park. Wow, now you kinda almost know where I live... Yay? I guess. haha
Also Days of Future Past! (bottom, right. Yes, that little poster) I love X-Men! This part will rock, I'm sure.
Love to catch that last light of a parting day.. I'm such a poet inside.
Hope you've done great on DAY 2 as well.
HOW ARE YOU DOING? HOW MANY PAGES? HOW??? (wow, you're awesome!)
Time to say bye-bye.
Have an amazing day, awesome book and READ!!!
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
I love the photos, Anna :) It's so nice and green over there. Where I live here in Helsinki, we have a few parks nearby, one in front of our house and one by a big bay near here, we go there in summer to read sometimes.
ReplyDeleteDo you read manga on e-reader? I never imagined how it would be to read manga digitally - is it different from physical book?
My day 2 was pretty good as well, but day 3 will be even better because I started Gentlemen Bastards #2 book, which is so addictive :) Page count will definitely go upwards!
I love your updates, and hope Bout of Books will be as good for you as it has been so far!
Thank you, Kati.:)
ReplyDeleteI love this park when it's green. Also love it in autumn. Every time, except winter, I should say, because in winter - it's a mess. Huge mess.:D
I wish I could see your parks, too. Maybe you can include one of them in one of your posts? (Photo request:))
I always read manga either on ereader or on computer. I'm sure, it's different from physical book, but I've never tried reading those other way. They are too expensive as physical books. So, e-reader is my answer.:) Pages are set in a right order, so I read it like a regular book.
Ooh, that's awesome, I hope you'll love Red Skies even more than The Lies of Locke Lamora.:) Good luck with it. You are inspiring me to finally read this series after Bout of Books.
I've made a fatal mistake today..and watched Once Upon A Time season finale.... #palmface Now I can only think about the show and run around screaming "why autumn is sooo far away???" or "Oooooh, that ending!"...
My fault.
Maybe I'll continue reading Ari and Dante, though. We'll see.
Hope you're doing great and having fun.:)
I'll take on the photo request - maybe I can take some park photos in the weekend :) And yes, the places tend to be huge messes in winter time :D
DeleteI have no idea about manga prices, but it makes sense what you say. My Kindle has quite a small screen, but I noticed you have a different reader, maybe it's a bit bigger. I think I wouldn't want to buy physical manga either, there seem to be so many volumes for one series and I don't think my wallet would like that.
I haven't watched Once Upon a Time, but it's definitely a bit risky to watch something like that during a readathon ;) I do hope you get your swing back - I've also been interested in reading Aristotle and Dante and I hope you'll like it.
Yay!:) Can't wait to see your park. I know that Helsinki is a beautiful place.
DeleteMy reader has a 6" screen, I think it's regular size.:) But it's also a multi-touch (or just touch, whatever:D) screen. So I can make images bigger whenever I want. But it's not that often, because font is already big enough for my eyes. Maybe it's because I'm reading Yotsuba, though. Other mangas I saw in a bookstore have more text per page.:)
I'm not buying them as physical books for a very same reason. I doubt that I reread them someday, so I don't want those 10-20 volumes for each manga on my shelf.:)
Aristotle and Dante is really easy to get through -short sentences and chapters, lots of dialogues, quite simple, but still poetic writing style (sounds like I'm selling it to you, haha. I don't). I think you'll fly through it, once you decide to read it.:)
Gush..It's raining since morning today... Nooooo! But I'm still planning to go on Godzilla premiere.:D