Hey there, lovely reader! So, I finally made my tbr list for Bout of Books 10.0 read-a-thon and want to share it with you.=)
At first I wanted to pick only 4 books, because it seems to be a pretty achievable goal, but then I thought - it's a week long read-a-thon, I'll be free for whole week and can read and eat, and read and eat, and re.. O.k., you got it.=] And some of these books are either short, or I've already started them, or they have a big font, so why not add a couple extra choices, right? Right!
You all know I can talk like for ages, 24/7 365 (well, almost)..so without further ado, here's my list:
(all the Goodreads links will be in titles)
1) Dear John by Nicholas Sparks.
Yup, still reading it. Blame that stu*** Savannah... She's a horrible, horrible girlfriend. Seriously! Annoys me... But I wanna know the ending and I have only 100 pages left to read (btw, because I'm writing this on May 10th, I could be done with this book already, when read-a-thon starts... Who knows). I know I'll finish it soon and just want to add it to the list. Just in case.
by Benjamin Alire Saenz (ebook).
Gush, what a title!!! My fingers... T-T
Right. I've started this book last week, but haven't added it on Goodreads, because I tend to DNF or just put aside the books I add to my "currently-reading" shelf there. Don't know why..
I'm in love with this book at the moment! It's easy to get through (short chapters and sentences, lots of dialogs, perfect-for-me writing style) and really want to finish it asap. 20% in already and it helped me punch that reading slump in da face!=)
Sidenote: Ari is weird..but fun. Fun kind of weird.=D
3) Allegiant by Veronica Roth.
I got this book last week. I know, book buying ban, but I want to read this book and finish Divergent trilogy soooo bad, that I bought myself a gift for being good last month.
Want to know the story of "How I spoiled the ending for myself after avoiding all the spoilers in comments"? O.K.
Story time:
I looked into the Contents page and BAM! The end.
Yes, that's it. Never do that, if you don't like spoilers. Can't say I'm shocked, 'cos I thought about this kind of ending before, especially when I started to hear some negative reviews and rants. Still really want to know how the hell did that happened??? But, honestly, well done Veronica Roth. You're a brave writer. Respect!
P.S. I may be completely wrong about the ending, though.=D I just guessed, because the table of contents page is kinda (well, REALLY) spoilery.
4) Phoenix Rising by Pip Ballantine and Tee Morris.
Sci-Fi+Steampunk+mystery+adventure+set in London = I WANT TO READ THIS!=)
But seriously. I bought this book in 2013, partly because of the story, but also - purple font!!!-, shelved it, the end. That's not going to work anymore. I want to read more books from my shelves in 2014 and after. And I will read them.
This book wasn't popular on booktube until Sanaa (inkBonesBooks) hauled and reviewed it recently. And, I guess, since Sanaa really enjoyed it a lot, this book will get more reads and ratings. Soon.
5) Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen.
Suppose to be really cute, definitely short and has a chicken on the cover.
Do I need to say more?=D
P.S. You will see more birds in this list... Theme? Hm.
Bought it in March and it happened to be my TBR Box pick for May. So why not read it next week? Especially considering the fact that it has A LOT of dialogs, interesting premise and one of my fav book bloggers Heather (Capricious Reader) absolutely loves this book. Here's her review a.k.a. "You have to read this book!" post.=) No more explanations needed.
And finally,
7) Tokyo on Foot by Florent Chavouet.
I just have to read it!!! Can't wait any longer. I have to read it like..yesterday.=D This book is gorgeous and amazing Estelle (love her channel so much!!! Check it out!) loved-loved-loved this graphic memoir. Here's her review (it's in her monthly reading wrap up). So.. Since I bought this book because of her, it's finally time to read it. And it's short and is mostly made of pictures.
Ah, that art, guys, that art.... I love to stare at those drawings.=)
O.K., and it won't be me, if there wouldn't be some extras. I have a little back up list, a.k.a. 3 short story collections to read in between those 7 books I mentioned above. I chose them, because I like to read my short stories this way. Don't really like to read the whole book front to back.
Note: Prepare for BIRDS!!! Don't even know how did that happen... I've picked them randomly, 'cos I wanted to read them for a long time... But they all have birds in titles and on covers, and I'm sure even inside. Weird.
8) Jigs & Reels: Stories by Joanne Harris.
(well, you can't see the birds right now, I'm sure,
but I've mentioned them, because the Russian
title is "Tea with Birds")
I've already started this collection last month, read 7 short stories and want to continue. But because they all are quite different, I just can't read the whole thing in one sitting. It feels like I'm reading all the new books without breaks. And some of them really got me thinking a lot, so I prefer to read 1-2 once in a while.=)
9) Birds (see!) of Lesser Paradise by Megan Mayhem Bergman.
This will, hopefully, be one of those lovely collections set in the South of US and have similar elements/characters in all of them. I own it since February, but have't hauled it yet (that's why, kinds, being lazy and forget to edit your old videos is really-really bad........). Our lovely Mercedes read and enjoyed (not loved, though) it recently and in her latest wrap up, Mercy said that if you want to fully enjoy this collection, better read 1 story a day, or one story in between other books, because all stories are quite alike in terms of characters and they all have pets in them. Well, I'm intrigued and want to know more!
10) Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls (told ya!) by David Sedaris.
Many fellow readers love Sedaris and describe him as funny and sarcastic as shiiiii... O.K.
I need some good laughs in my life right now, so I CHOSE YOU, DAVID!=)
"And the best part of all the short stories is that they are short." ~ Me.
Wow, that was wise.....
That's it! Here they are:
WISH ME LUCK!!!=) I can do this!
I know, that many of my awesome friends will participate in Bout of Books 10.0, but if you haven't signed in yet and you'll have a time for reading next week, you still have a chance to join the fun officially (because some cool challenges and giveaways!!!) or you can readathon with us without signing and just have fun.
Once again, here's all the info and official link:
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
Hope you'll decide to join and have a great time with bunch of cool peeps.=)
I need some sleep right now - tough day. So it's time to say bye-bye.
Have an amazing day, awesome book and READ!!!
Hey Anna!!
ReplyDeleteYou have an amazing selection of books! That sci-fi steampunk one sounds fun, Iet me know if it's good~
Also, thank you so much for the lovely words! I hope you'll enjoy Tokyo on Foot. There's not much to read on that one really, but the art is so beautiful and full of details it's easy to spend a lot of time watching it :)
Good luck to you for the readathon!! Hope you'll have fun with it!