I've been too lazy to write blog post these couple of months. Also I've read or started a lot of meh books in October-November, so there wasn't a lot to write about. But I want to change that. So I started my new bookish blog in Russian (here it is, if someone's interested) and planning to keep writing here in English as well. More than in last 2 months. -fingers crossed-
O.k., here are some updates.
1/ Currently reading
Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata (for International Reads book club).
I'm reading it in Russian, on my sister's e-reader and on my HTC.
Gourmet Rhapsody by Muriel Barbery.
Another meh read. Not liking it, but it's only 160 pages long, so I wanna finish this book (just for the sake of Goodreads chakkenge...:)).
My copy of this book is also in Russian.
2/ The last book I've finished
Odd and the Frost Giants (audiobook), written and narrated by Mr Neil Gaiman.
Neil's voice.... (crush, crush, crush). As for story, this drawing by IslaDelCoco summes everything up perfectly! (AMAZING drawing, by the way!)
3/ The next book I want to read
Well, I'm not 100% sure, but I think it's time to finish Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones. I'm half way through, liking it but for some reason too slow to finish this book.
4/ The last book I bought
Londoners by Craig Taylor.
Looking forward to read this book as soon as it comes in my mailbox.
5/ Next book I'm planning to buy (I'm usually buying my books myself (well, I know I'll get one particular book for New Year/Christmas), so I changed this category a little)
Not that my TBR is tinee-tiny, but you know, plans...
I want to lay may hands on Tokyo on Foot: Travels in the City's Most Colorful Neighborhoods by Florent Chavouet. I've heard a lot of amazing things about it from lovely Estelle @ Audham EnTha and I really really want to read this graphic memoir!!!
Just look at this picture!!! And it's only one of them, and there're hundreds. Plus the memoir itself. Want, want, want!
O.k., peeps, hope you're having an amazing day. Keep reading and DFTBA!
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