Sunday, 11 August 2013

INSURGENT | Book Review

 I've posted this before on my Booklikes page. Still haven't decided which one I prefer...Blogger or Booklikes....

"Insurgent," he says. "Noun. A person who acts in opposition to the established authority, who is not necessarily regarded as a belligerent."

 One day, Veronica Roth have decided to write a book. And it was one of her best decisions ever! So, THANK YOU, Veronica!!! You're in my Top Favourite Authors list now and I think carefully while adding someone there, because things like that is really important to me. (Perks of being a booklover:)

 OK, lets get to the point.
 I've finished this book on July, 16 and could properly write about it only weeks after that. Yes, that's true. After reading the last word I couldn't even speak normally to say nothing about writing. I could just say "WHAT???" "WHAAAAAAAAAT?" :)
 As usually, I won't spoil anything, but what I can tell is it was one of theHUGEST cliffhangers, I've ever read...And when I turned the page with eyes like that O__O to see what will happen next and found "Acknowledgement"...OH MY!!! I was home alone and literally shouted "WHAAAT?", "HOW?", "WHAT?"...Now I can't wait for "Allegiant" and it'll come out only in October...jeez. What am I supposed to do? I still haven't got used to waiting for the next book. Because here, where I live, we usually got whole series translated all at once. (well, I'm talking about series that I read).

 I'll try to keep this review shorter, 'cos as you may know,  I can speak (write) for aaaaages:)
 I really liked to know more about factions and Chicago itself here (I've never been to Chicago, so now I have an interesting image in my head. Lets hope that I won't be jumping about every sound there and won't turn my head like crazy searching for danger, because in some moments this book was intense like that and it imprinted in my memory, I'm sure.). Now I knew more about relations between factions, their views on each other, more about their leaders (well, for factions that have ones), more about past. And I like that in books.

[ That is what series exist for (one of the reasons) - you'll know more and more with each book. 1st book will ignite a desire to read this series in you, will tell you basics and show you few flashbacks. And then the 2nd one will open up a whole picture, it'll be deeper and even stronger, and you won't be able to put in down, because "WHAT'S NEXT, MAN?". And finally the 3rd one. It will wrap the whole thing up, often with freaking wtf moments (it's dystopian novel, dude). And don't tell me it's not true (look at The Hunger Games, this series description is basically fits there, too. Good for me, then:))
 My attempt to become a bookish philosopher]

 I want to say, that with this book i got few massive bonuses:
-- I got 2 favourite supporting characters, that I can add to my Top Supporting Characters List (it's all about lists, maaan). I'm writing about Zeke and Uriah, Oooooh, I LOVE THOSE TWO! They gave me this "Aaaaw!" moment ^.^ in book and I really appreciate that (love those moments). SUPER!
-- I was surprised by some characters (no spoilers, but P...surprise, surprise...), and it was pleasant surprises.
-- LOVE BONUS. Because Four. (Do I need to explane this? Nuh, I think I don't) :)

 Well, about love. Relationship between Tris and Four in Insurgent was in most parts like a GIANT roller-coaster, but that's O.K. It looks more realistic like that. (But in some parts I honestly thought that "they'll punch each other in the face now". Tension, tension..). EMOTIONS, guys, EMOTIONS! Four.....(I'd still marry him at the earliest opportunity....yes. Top Man!)
 There're also some moments when I thought that Tris is sobbing too much, but then I tried to put myself in her shoes. And what I can tell you, is that I'm not sure I wouldn't curl and coccon myself like a freaking butterfly if such situations happen in my like (God forbid). So, I think that readers should try to understand characters better before judging them. This thought helped me a lot.
There were few unexpected deaths, and I wasn't well prepared for them. But what can we do, right? It happens a lot in books like this one. So, I think that I should be awared next time.
 And, finally, award for Biggest Disappointment - Caleb! I won't tell you why, you have to figure it out yourself (maybe you won't even feel the way I felt, who knows?!). But I was reeeealy frustrated and sometimes even annoyed by him. Didn't expact that...

 O.K., fellaz. I gave this book 5/5 [*****] stars on Goodreads, and I wish I could give it more (but it's a maximum and It's a pity!). AMAZING BOOK! Hope that waiting for "Allegiant" will pass easily.

 Hope you're reading your next favourite book now. Wish you all the best and DFTBA!

About my copy:
-language: Russian
-format: Hardback (with original cover art)
-pages: 448
-publisher: Eksmo
-where have I got it? Bought it for myself:).

"Sometimes [...] people just want to be happy, even if it's not real"

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